Data for Impact

Capacity Building Cohort

Get comparable data across your portfolio to better understand the impact of your investments, while helping build capacity for meaningful data and evaluation with the organizations you fund. Our cohorts are led by evaluation experts with support customized to the uniqueness of each organization’s services and the stage of development in their data practice.


Strengthen nonprofit’s ability to routinely use data for better decision-making and program quality


Open dialogue to pave the way for deeper relationships with your nonprofit partners.


Support your nonprofit partners to get the data that’s meaningful to their work and helps you understand the impact of your investments.

Capacity Building at Scale 

Maximize your resources supporting multiple organizations to receive targeted data training and coaching. Through cohort learning experience you’ll create a network of nonprofits improving program effectiveness and building a stronger ecosystem of social change initiatives.

Investing in a Meaningful Approach.

Through our Data for Impact Capacity Building Cohorts, funders get to support the measurement practices of the organizations they fund in a way that’s meaningful, useful and sustainable for nonprofits. 

  • Nonprofit partners will build the skills, tools and processes to identify, collect, analyze, and use data to drive impact.
  • Nonprofit partners will create a system of continuous learning and improvement.
  • Nonprofit partners will have more clarity, feel more connected, and be more energized to embrace data.

Data That Supports You and Your Grantees

You’ll collaborate in new ways with your nonprofit partners, you’ll get data that can help inform strategic decisions for your organizations, and you’ll gain the confidence that your organization’s investments are making an impact and driving positive change for individuals, families, and communities.

What’s Included

Cohort Trainings

Live webinar series with cohort participants. We cover the core essentials needed to build a strong data practice from defining success and quality, collecting and analyzing the right measures, and using data to inform key decisions.

Office Hours

Bi-monthly virtual calls with ResultsLab coaches. These calls are responsive to the needs of the participants to help apply learning to their context or get feedback on some of their key impact developments (i.e. program model, measurement plan, etc.).


This is an opportunity for participants to work through their core problems of practice with their peers and a ResultsLab coach. It’s a chance to build upon the data journey supported by community – sharing wins, brainstorming solutions, and holding each other accountable.

Tools & Resources

A library of templates and resources developed by data and evaluation experts, including our full ACTTM workbook, and other resources from the broader data and evaluation field.

Cohort Program Overview


Phase 1: Participants will more deeply define the quality and quantity of the services needed to achieve goals and clearly define outcomes for the communities they serve.

Includes building or refining:

  • Impact Strategy
  • Program Model

Phase 2: Participants will work to prioritize one key learning question to ground their data collection focus, and develop the tools and processes that will amplify learning, while meeting organizational needs to track progress toward desired outcomes.

Includes building or refining:

  • Measurement Plan
  • Data Collection Tools
  • Data Sense Making

Phase 3: Participants will learn the foundational practices to make meaning of and analyze their data. They’ll also learn techniques to tell their data story and practices that help drive data use.

Includes building or refining:

  • Data Storytelling
  • Data Use Practice
  • Implementation Plan

What Our Clients Say


VP, Marketing & Business Partnerships

Let’s Partner

  1. Schedule a Discovery Call: We’ll discuss the data needs of your organization and your partners.
  2. Explore Ideas: We’ll propose a plan to address those needs.
  3. Drive Connection + Insights: We’ll engage with your partner organizations to ensure they are gaining the skills and tools to make data-informed decisions that lead to meaningful change.

Cohort Trainings

Build foundational learning and tools with grantees through live webinar series. We cover each of the three phases of ResultsLab’s ACTTM Model – Align, Capture, Transform. These phases walk through the core essentials needed to build a strong data practice from defining success and quality, collecting and analyzing the right measures, and using data to inform key decisions.

Bi-Monthly Coaching Office Hours

Cohort participants will have the opportunity to join office hours and get direct support from ResultsLab coaches. These calls are responsive to the needs of the participants to help apply learning to their context or get feedback on some of their key impact developments (i.e., program model, or measurement plan).

Monthly Community of Practice

There’s no going alone on this data-building journey. Our community of practice, also known as CoLabs, are an opportunity for participants to work through their core problems of practice with their peers and with a ResultsLab coach. It’s a chance to share wins, stay motivated, and hold each other accountable inside the cohort community.

Tools & Resources

You’ll get access to a library of templates and resources developed by data and evaluation experts, including: our full ACTTM workbook, and curated insight, learning and resources from the broader data and evaluation field.